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Zimbabwe Unveils Kamungoma Liberation War Shrine to Honor Fallen Heroes

In a poignant ceremony, Zimbabwean President Emerson Mnangagwa officially inaugurated the Kamungoma Liberation War Shrine, a solemn tribute to the 105 liberation heroes who lost their lives at the hands of the Rhodesian army on May 14, 1978.

Wilson Waison

Addressing the gathered media, Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of commemorating such occasions, underscoring that the nation must never forget the sacrifices made by its forefathers in the struggle for independence.

"We gather here today in Gutu District, a land that birthed illustrious figures of our liberation struggle, notably the late National Hero and Vice President, Cde Simon Vengai Muzenda," he remarked.

The unveiling of the shrine, just ahead of Zimbabwe's 44th Independence Day Anniversary, holds profound significance, serving as a poignant reminder of the nation's turbulent past and hard-won freedom.

Reflecting on the tragic events of the Kamungoma Massacre, Mnangagwa recounted the brutal bombings of refugee camps in neighboring Zambia and Mozambique, vowing that such atrocities would forever be etched into the annals of Zimbabwe's history.

"The 14th of May 1978 remains a dark chapter in our nation's story, as 104 innocent civilians, alongside one guerrilla fighter, were mercilessly slain," he lamented.

Drawing an analogy between liberation fighters and the populace as "fish and water," Mnangagwa vividly portrayed the unity and resolve of Zimbabweans in their quest for freedom.

"The indiscriminate attack claimed the lives of teenagers and women, including breastfeeding mothers, leaving an indelible scar on our collective memory," he added.

Urging educational institutions and citizens alike to visit such historic sites, Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of preserving and honoring Zimbabwe's liberation heritage.

He commended the leadership of Gutu District for their commitment to commemorating National Heroes and Defence Forces Days at the shrine, urging continued community involvement in empowerment initiatives.

Reflecting on the broader context of colonial violence, Mnangagwa highlighted similar atrocities inflicted on Zimbabwean communities across the country, underscoring the resilience of the black majority in the face of oppression.

"It is incumbent upon us to impart the lessons of our protracted struggle for independence and democracy to present and future generations," he affirmed.

In a call for national unity and reverence for Zimbabwe's history, Mnangagwa urged citizens to uphold the legacy of their forebears and stand together in the face of adversity.

As Zimbabwe grapples with the challenges posed by an El Nino-induced drought and food insecurity, Mnangagwa reassured the nation that the government remains committed to ensuring that no Zimbabwean goes hungry.

"I pledge once again that no citizen of our great nation will perish from hunger," he declared, reaffirming the government's unwavering dedication to the welfare of its people.


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