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Opposition Legislator, Sikhala sentenced

Zengeza West MP and CCC deputy chairperson Job Sikhala has been sentenced to
six months in prison with an option to pay a fine of USD$ 600 after being convicted
for obstruction of justice.
Harare regional Magistrate Marewanazvo Gofa convicted the firebrand politician
after a full trial for attempting to disrupt investigations that had been launched by
police following the murder of opposition activist Moreblessing Ali by a suspected
Zanu PF activist.
In sentencing him, Gofa said the court would consider the best interest of Sikhala’s
11 Children and consider that he already has been in pre-trial detention for long.
Sikhala has been in detention for 11 months after several attempts for bail failed both
at the Magistrate and High Courts.
Though Sikhala has been fined for obstruction of justice, he remains in prison as he
has three more charges to face all linked to his political activities.
Initially he was arrested for inciting public violence after opposition supporters
violently attacked Zanu PF members in Dema during a memorial service of the
slained Ali.
Sikhala has another charge of incitement of violence that relate to anti-corruption
protest that were planned for July 2020
In his defence, Sikhala said he has been in detention under solitary confinement
since 14 June 2022, “shackled in chains like a terrorist”.
“I have been kept away from my family, denied the ability to fend for them and I have
been kept away from my occupation as a representative of the people of Zengeza
West,” he added.
According to his lawyers, Sikhala has been arrested 67 times in his reign of more
than 20 years as a political leader but has never been found guilty.
His prosecution is based on a video in which he is said to have called for retribution
for the death of Ali who’s dismembered remains was discovered in a well.
After the disappearance of Ali and subsequent discovery of her remains, her family
appointed Sikhala to be their attorney as they sought for justice.
But in discharging his duties, he allegedly crossed the line. The MP is adamant that
he did nothing wrong.
“Those who murdered Moreblessing Ali, and those who persecute me today, may
laugh for the moment, but when history chapters allow, posterity will judge me for
what I truly am - a humble and obedient servant of the people. A willing instrument
for the advancement of the values of ubuntu. A firm believer against impunity
regardless of one's political affiliation or status in life. A legal practitioner, being

shackled for taking up the cause of his oppressed client, who died a miserable death
in the most violent way imaginable,” Sikhala said.
His conviction comes barely a week after the Magistrate court convicted Jacob
Ngarivhume for allegedly of inciting violence through his Twitter handle on July 8 in
Ngarivhume was sentenced to 36 months in prison.

Wilson Waison


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